Dave's LinkedIn Networking Activities

LINKEDIN The world's largest professional network:300 million strong. It's free. Open group discussions can be seen by anyone on the web and can be shared on other social networking platforms.
Members-only group discussions can only be seen by other group members.
Elder Care Professionals; Created: May 27, 2008 https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Elder-Care-Professionals-111042 Type: Professional Group, Members: 30,465 Owner: Scott Williamson "A group for people working in elder care - in PACE programs, traditional nursing homes, hospice, assisted living, social workers, educators, CMS personnel, etc. It also has a number of subgroups for specialties or specific topics within the elder care community."

Advancing Alzheimer's DayCare at Night {evening} Programs https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Advancing-Alzheimers-DayCare-Night-evening-4968126?home=&gid=4968126 Created: April 19, 2013 Type: Networking Group Owner: Dave Mainwaring Discussions and networking for individuals and organizations providing adult day-care activities during evening for individuals with Alzheimer's Disease Website: http://caregiversnewsbasket.blogspot.com

Alzheimer's Reading Room: Created: March 5, 2009 https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Alzheimers-Reading-Room-1833888/about Networking Group, Members: 2,674 Owner: Bob DeMarco The goal of the Alzheimer's Reading Room is to Educate and Empower Alzheimer's caregivers, their families, and the entire Alzheimer's and dementia community worldwide. Website: http://www.alzheimersreadingroom.com

Alzheimer's Caregivers Peer to Peer Connector https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Alzheimers-Caregivers-Peer-Peer-Connector-4275461/about Created: January 28, 2012, Type: Networking Group Members: 46 owner: Dave Mainwaring Connecting carers/caregivers providing in-home care to clients having Alzheimer's and their families. Website: http://caregiversnewsbasket.blogspot.com...

Alzheimer's Association MA/NH Chapter https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Alzheimers-Association-MA-NH-Chapter-1865317/about Background: The Alzheimer's Association opened its doors in 1980 as one of the founding Chapters of our national association. the Chapter assumed responsibility for providing services to families and professionals living and working in New Hampshire.

Alzheimer's Care at Home, Created: August 13, 2011 https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Alzheimers-Care-Home-4043518/about Type: Professional Group. Members: 1,267 Owner: Elayne Forgie The purpose of this group is to share information and engage in discussions that focus on the care of the Alzheimer's/dementia patient in their own home.

Senior Care Services Companies Created: April 25, 2008 https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Senior-Care-Services-Companies-93124/about Type: Networking Group, Members: 9,969 Owner: Johnny Wilkinson Private group. Networking group of companies and professionals in all types of industries who target their services to the seniors market.

Advocates for Person Centered Care Created: July 25, 2009 https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Advocates-Person-Centered-Care-2146773/about Type: Networking Group, Members: 2,417 Owner: Lorraine T. Private group. for anyone who is an advocate for Person Centered Care in our senior population. If you are willing to share ideas for creating such an environment in existing settings such as in-home care, assisted living, dementia care facilities and skilled nursing homes, Instead of expecting our seniors to "fit" into our structured environments called care facilities, let's strive for Person Centered Care. They deserve it.

Caregiving in the USA Network, Created: June 23, 2008 https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Caregiving-in-USA-Network-128114/about Type: Networking Group, Members: 3,020 Owner: Margarete Hermanson Managers: Donahue Vanderhider and Susan Baida, Private group. Are you a caregiver? Have you been a caregiver? Will you become a caregiver? Do you work in the field of caregiving? Do you care about someone who is giving care? ... Website: http://www.aarp.org/issues/dividedwefail...

Elder Care Issue Resolutions Group: Created: November 9, 2008 https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Elder-Care-Issue-Resolutions-Group-1210087/about Type: Professional Group, Members: 2,909 Owner: Jill Srebnick, SPSM Private group. for those who are in the Elder Care industry and for those dealing with Elder Care issues and need help finding answers to their questions. Need help wiht medicare or medicaid, nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities, home nursing, etc..

Client Focused Health Care Providers: Physicians, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, and Other Care Services, Created: November 12, 2013 https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Client-Focused-Health-Care-Providers-6555482/about Type: Networking Group Owner: Dave Mainwaring All-inclusive discussions about patient safety and the needs of people who are strangers to Health Care Providers (i.e.Physicians, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Rehab, and Other Care Services). "Patient Friendly Healthcare it is client focused VS organization focused". Help develop patient focused policies and provider practices. Patients and visitors who are strangers to Nursing Homes hospitals, emergency departments, emergency rooms and the mind boggling array of titles not to mention inpatient and outpatient organization. Healthcare professionals can't respond with patient focused care unless they are trained and their organization has a common guidelines how to manage patient confusion, fear, cognitive issues and inform clients of what to expect. Managers: UncleDave Mainwaring

NETWORK OF PROFESSIONAL SOCIAL WORKERS-NPSW https://www.linkedin.com/groups/NETWORK-PROFESSIONAL-SOCIAL-WORKERSNPSW-91372/about Created: April 21, 2008, Type: Professional Group Members: 48,630 Owner: Austin Giltus Managers: Karen Close, Victoria Brewster, MSW, Sini Thomson, Marina Richardson, Sreemol S, Network of Professional Social Workers(NPSW) is an International Association of professional Social Workers. NPSW connects with Social Workers across the globe beyond national and regional boundaries. Social Workers from any part of the world, working with any population, organizations, and settings are welcome to join hands with this global network.

Patient Centered Medical Home (2919120) Created: April 1, 2010 https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Patient-Centered-Medical-Home-2919120-2919120/about Type: Other... Members: 2,206 Owner: Julie F. Schwab, MSNA, MMGT this is a forum for discussions relating to providing patient centered care. Those interested in the patient centered medical home concept and team approaches to providing patient centered care are welcome to join this group.

Senior Housing Forum Created: October 30, 2011 https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Senior-Housing-Forum-wwwseniorhousingforumnet-4152056/about Type: Networking Group, Members: 2,893 Owner: Steve Moran This group has been formed to compliment www.seniorhousingforum.net the fastest growing senior housing blog.

Alzheimer's Caregivers Private group. https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Alzheimers-Caregivers-1666457/about being a caregiver to someone with Alzheimer's owner wants to share the things learned in the hope that owner can help others through the challenges they are facing. No one can understand the day to day struggles unless they are living it.

The Elder Care Network: Private group. Created: August 22, 2008 https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Elder-Care-Network-707477/about Type: Professional Group, Members: 20,001 Owner: Bob Andrews where Professionals, Service Providers and Vendors come together to partner in providing resources, products, services and refferals for families in need of Elder Care / Senior Care solutions for loved ones. Including but not limited to assisted living communities, Alzheimer's care, nursing homes, respite care, retirement communities, residential care homes, home care, hospice care, Attorneys,

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